YANCEY THOMAS JR, the creator and owner of LIVINFIT© has almost 30 years of group and personal fitness facilitation and training. I've held various certifications in group fitness, spin (cycle), and Healthy Lifestyles Principles with YMCA of America and others. I have gained master certification in and facilitated several nationally recognized evidence based fitness and wellness programs such as A Matter Of Balance, FIT & STRONG, Active Living Everyday (ALED)and the FITLOT Outdoor Fitness Parks. My LIVINFIT© evidence based program combines all the core concepts of A Matter Of Balance, FIT & STRONG, Active Living Everyday (ALED) and the FITLOT Outdoor Fitness Parks. LIVINFIT© is a 10 week program of practical fitness, wellness and education presented in an entertaining style utilizing extensive video and other resources. I've created an innovative, exciting and effective evidence based program combining the concepts of the aforementioned programs
However, my evidence based program creates a truly fun and effective learning environment utilizing the power of video with personal and group engagement. The LIVINFIT© Program is an initiative of practical fitness and academic wellness education. LIVINFIT© is a thoroughly engaging and entertaining process of lifestyle fitness facilitation. I bring an energetic and dynamic mixture of cardio, coordination, creativity and choreography creating an exciting and pleasant fitness experience. My focus on the health and safety of fitness participants is always top priority. The classroom component of LIVINFIT@ educates participants in the fundamentals of physiology, fitness principles and their application in everyday life. I also offer training and education services for those seeking to become fitness and wellness trainers.
My specific areas practical fitness, welllness and training experience include:
- lo impact (employing an effective range of movement encouraging healthy cardio exercise)
- beginner – intermediate – advanced step
- beginner – intermediate – advanced kick box movements
- abdominal core development
- group strength training
- circuit training
- interval training
- creative cardio group line dance
- muscle condition
- group flexibility, cardiovascular, strength, resistance and neuromotor fitness
Yancey is a successful internet Business Presence Consultant. Website development, video creation, local business and internet marketing for business and non-profits are key services provided to anyone seeking to establish an internet presence. For some of Yancey's other internet business and resources click below...
Vision Marketing Services